Personal Brand Video
At Full Sail University in the project and portfolio 1 class,I was taught how to create my online presence through the power of personal branding.

The class was an addition to My web design skills, and challenged me to finally create something for Me.  

Watch this video to learn a little more about me 
and why You should consider hiring me 
for your next Digital Project.
Project & Portfolio 1: Personal Branding

Course Overview & Objective
This course empowers students to cultivate, construct, and evaluate their professional brand identity, identifying their unique selling points and areas of expertise to showcase effectively online. Students embark on creating a digital portfolio website, the cornerstone for all portfolio pieces throughout the program. By the course's conclusion, students possess a digital platform to proudly display their future work, continuously enhancing their appeal to prospective employers and industry professionals.
Key Takeaways & Implications
Through meticulous research into my industry's marketplace, competitors, and job qualifications, I unearthed and defined my personal brand. I identified skillsets requiring improvement and crafted a robust professional development plan to address these gaps. Based on my target audience, I established a compelling brand promise and positioning, crafting an elevator pitch to clearly and concisely articulate my unique value proposition.
Skills & Software Utilized
To develop this presentation, I leveraged Keynote, exporting the file as a PDF for public viewing on SlideShare. For job hunting reconnaissance, I employed research tools such as LinkedIn, OnetOnline, ZipRecruiter, and Glassdoor.
Time Commitment
This project was completed within 12 hours, with an additional 8 hours dedicated to lectures.
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